

Icons (2014)

The Icons selected members exhibition 2014, was proposed by the Association for Contemporary Jewellery (ACJ), and co-curated by Terry Hunt (ACJ chair), and the curators at the National Centre for Craft and Design in Sleaford.

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Table for 8 (2011)

Mersey Jewellers and Metal Artists network, held a one day, really exciting, fun exhibition the theme to ourselves was ‘food’, it was kindly hosted by Hope Street Hotel, as part of the Feast Festival of Food in Hope Street.

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Plastic Surgery (2005)

This was a collection that at first looking people found absolutely entrancing and beautiful; only after reading on did they realise the more clinical, sinister quality and my intention of raising a discussion.

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Commission Me (2003, Urbis)

The necklace I designed and made for my Aunt Harriet, for ACJ ‘Commission Me’ exhibition Urbis, Manchester shown at ‘Eye of the Beholder Conference’ ACJ conference 2003.

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